English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The EAL Department has responsibility for all students whose first language is not English, working to ensure esch student achieves to his/her highest level in all areas of the curriculum.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Black History Month Quiz
In October Conisborough College celebrated Black History Month and along with other activities, the EAL department devised a special quiz for our Key Stage 3 students.
click here to give the quiz a go!
Successful completion of this special quiz involved doing research, studying school displays and talking to fellow students and staff to gather information. Congratulations to the hard working student winners:
Marcin in Year 9, Stara in Year 7 and Halima in Year 8.
We hope you enjoy your prize of cinema vouchers!
During Black History Month the EAL department also helped to organise a one day special lunch menu.
The EAL Department has responsibility for all students whose first language is not English, working to ensure our student are able to access all areas of the curriculum and to achieve their full potential
The type of help and support we offer depends on a number of factors, including the length of previous education, whether the student is literate in their first language, their level of English and how long they have been in the UK. The department has a number of interventions in place to support our students and some of these are:
- Key Stage 3 Induction Course – a course for newly arrived students which covers all the National Curriculum subjects, except Religious Education.
- Key Stage 4 ELL Course – an English Language course for newly arrived Key Stage 4 students (14-16 year olds) newly arrived in the UK.
- EAL Breakfast Reading Club – for students who want to improve their literacy skills or simply want a quiet space in which to read. The Reading Club takes place in the school Library – Mon-Thurs – from 8:30-9:10am.
- In-class support – this is an adult supporting a small group of students in a mainstream classroom or it can be partnership teaching where two teachers share the responsibility for the class.
- Withdrawal Group – this involves a small group of students who have been taken out of a mainstream lesson for extra support. Their work will cover all areas of the curriculum.
- After School Homework / Coursework Club – we offer help to students every day after school with homework and coursework. Students of all ages are supported in these sessions
- After School Polish Club – for Polish students who want to stay in touch with their Mother Tongue and share their culture with other students at the school. We develop links with Polish students in other schools across Lewisham. Last year we visited Prendergast Ladywell Fields College (PLFC) and subsequently, PLFC students came to visit us in our new school building. The meeting inspired us to write an article about Poland, which appeared in last year’s ‘Celebrating Success’ newsletter.
- Mentoring – staff in the department offer individual support to our students, ensuring they are able to successfully manage their work with support.
- Community Lanaguage Examinations – the department regularly enters students for GCSE and GCE exams in their heritage language. We have a high success rate with between 97-100% of students achieve at the highest levels.
- Computer Classes for Parents – in collaboration with the ICT department, we are offering a basic ICT course to parents and carers. The CLAIT course takes place on Tuesday after school. This allows adults to develop ICT skills and English at the same time.
If your child is literate in his/her first language, it is important that you continue to support them in using/developing your home language. You can help your child by using your home language to discuss school work and also to encourage them to read newspapers in both your home language and in English. Some of the most successful EAL students are those who are literate in their first language.
Below are a few websites, which can help your child improve their English.