Gifted and Talented Students
Gifted learners have abilities in one or more academic subject in the statutory school curriculum, other than Art and Design, Music or PE.
Talented learners have abilities and practical skills in Art and Design, Music and PE or some sort of Performing Art, such as Dance or Drama.
How are students identified?
On entry to Conisborough College, students’ Key Stage 2 data is analysed to identify high achievers in primary school (level 5 in English, Maths and Science.)
Once Year 7 are settled in school and class assessments have begun, teachers are asked to nominate potential gifted and talented students for particular subjects.
Teachers are able to identify students throughout their school career. Therefore a student may join the school’s Gifted and Talented list at any point.
How will I know if my child is gifted and talented?
The list below offers a handy guide for identification. Teachers may refer to this when identifying potential Gifted and Talented learners.
knows the answers
is interested
has good ideas
works hard
answers the questions
is in the top group
listens with interest
learns with ease
enjoys peers
grasps the meaning
completes assignments
is receptive
copies accurately
enjoys schools
absorbs information
good at memorising
asks questions
is highly curious
has wild / silly ideas
plays around yet tests well
discusses in detail, elaborates
is beyond the group
shows strong feelings or opinions
already knows
prefers adults
draws inferences
initiates projects
is intense
creates a new design
enjoys learning
manipulates information
is an inventor
good at guessing
Once your child has been identified as a Gifted and Talented learner, you will receive a letter from the Gifted and Talented coordinators.
I’ve been identified – what next?
Gifted and Talented provision is coordinated in school by Mrs Mears and Mrs Barnes. They will invite students to take part in extra-curricular activities, such as Philosophy clubs, debating societies and trips to specialist organisations.
Each department has a teacher responsible for Gifted and Talented learners. Their job is to track and monitor the attainment and behaviour of Gifted and Talented students, stretch individuals through specialist workshops and monitor the challenge of the learning taking place in classrooms.
Gifted and Talented students are encouraged to visit the Gifted and Talented notice board and the Fronter webpage to learn about various initiatives they may wish to take part in. These are updated on a fortnightly basis and offer plenty of stimulating resources that both students and parents may be interested in.
A* Academy
In Year 10, 20 Gifted and Talented students are invited to join the A* Academy. This is a lewisham initiative, involving Northbrook, Predergast Hilly Fields and Conisborough College which targets funding and resources to the school’s most able students; stretching, supporting and securing top grades at GCSE. Students take part in A*/AS level master classes in English, Maths and Science, have access to University mentors, receive funding for revision guides and are invited to take part in a number of extra-curricular opportunites that aim to stretch them academically, socially and politically.