Progress Unit

























A selection of pictures from trips and activities that the Progress Unit have been involved in.  

In the Progress Unit we aim to provide a quality of education which facilitates the development of:

  • Self confidence
  • Positive and successful learning
  • Strategies to pursue life-long learning
  • maturity to be successful independant citizens throughout life beyond school.
  • Prepare students, where ever possible, for re-integration into mainstream education.

We work toward these aims by offering students a secure and stimulating environment in which mutual respect, friendliness and an understanding of indiviual needs is evident between members of the school community. 

We work collaboratively with professionals from agencies in order to fully support our students at both school and at home.

We work closely with parents and carers in order to plan for and effectively meet every students needs.

We are fully committed to the principles of ‘Every Child Matters’

the 5 outcomes of Every Child Matters are central to everything that is done at Conisborough College.  At all times we are dedicated to safeguarding the students and promoting their welfare.  We aim to provide an environment where they can:


  1. Be healthy
  2. Stay safe
  3. Enjoy and achieve
  4. Make a positive contribution
  5. Achieve economic well-being

To ensure outcomes are met, Conisborough College has access to a wide range of professional agencies to support the students at various stages during their school career.  the agencies might be:

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Connexions
  • CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
  • Social Services
  • School Nurse
  • Educational Welfare Service
  • The Genesis Project (Primary and Secondary school transition)

We always try to build a close relationship between home and school to ensure information is shared and to solve any problems that might occur as quickly as possible.  Parents are always encouraged to contact the school if they feel there is a problem they would like to discuss with the staff.  The Form Tutors, Heads of Year and Senior Management Team are always happy to discuss any issues a parent might have.

Dennise HillimanAssistant Headteacher, is our school’s designated officer for ‘Child Protection’ and ‘Looked After Children’ and should be contacted if there are any problems in this area.  There may be occasions when staff are concerned about a child’s welfare and feel it necessary to make a referral to Social Services for help and support for that student.  Referrals are always made by the Assistant Headteacher.  At all times the health, safety and well-being of that child remains paramount.