What makes a good Student Council?
Everyone has a different view on what makes a school outstanding.
At Conisborough College, our Student Council…….
What makes a good Student Council?
Everyone has a different view on what makes a school outstanding.
At Conisborough College, our Student Council ensures:
- All students are given the chance to contribute to improving the school.
- Students talk about their ideas for making our school ‘Outstanding’
- We decide on which ideas will make the biggest difference and make them happen!
We believe this contributes to helping all students:
- Learn better
- Feel safer
- Live more healthy
- Feel pride in their school community
- Be happier at school
The ‘Class Representative’ committee meets weekly to discuss issues brought up by individual class groups.
The ‘Year Group Representative’ committee meet fortnightly and the ‘Executive’ committee, which consists of the chairs of the student council, meet half-termly to discuss any issues which have filtered through the other group meetings.
Since January 2010 the student council have been closely involved in the:
- Choosing of the new school uniform
- Review of the anti-bullying policy
- Writing of a policy against cyber-bullying
- Discussing of how the school council can get involved in teaching and learning
Our school council is a partnership of students and adults, sharing ideas, finding solutions and taking actions to make our school ‘Outstanding’
School Councils UK on Teachers TV